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Members of the public can see the details of applications using the following link and submit comments to Carlisle City Council who are the Planning Authority –

(Please note LBC is Listed Building Consent)

21/0763 Red Cat House, Newbiggin Road, Durdar CA2 4UP.  Erection of 1No Dwelling and Garage.  Deadline for comments 17 August 2021.

21/0689 1 Oak Lane, Parklands CA8 3SW.  Erection of Side Extension To Provide Car Port; Erection of 2 Storey Rear Extension To Provide Annexe; Siting of Temporary Caravan whilst Works are Carried Out.  Deadline for comments 2 August 2021.

21/0689 1 Oak Lane, Parklands CA1 3SW.  Erection of Side Extension to Provide Car Park; Erection of 2 Storey Rear Extension to Provide Annexe; Siting of Temporary Caravan Whilst Works Are Being Carried Out.  Deadline for comments 2 August 2021.